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Art. 259-1A spouse may not produce at the hearing a mean of proof which he or she obtained by dures


My husband, with the help of his connections in the police force, has claimed to be a victim of Domestic Violence (abusing a twelve year history that I have of a black belt instructor and state Champion in Martial Arts in Victoria, Australia); causing himself bruising while working for the Ministry of Social Solidarity in Malta to fabricate evidence of Domestic Violence – coached by police (…the bathroom incident, attached: Document: 28, Incident Report: Re-applied 14th August, 2015 (11 Pages), 147 of the divorce file).

Yet not once did I raise my hand on my husband, despite being assaulted by him several times, exercising tolerance that can only come from a sound mind – with the police and a major local ministry on his side, I knew that I would be on the back foot in trying to prove the act of self-defense, and heaven help should I have injured him… with the police and heads of the Ministry of Social Solidarity that he worked for, painting a saintly picture of my husband declaring him the victim because of the 16 year age difference, I had a hard enough time being believed; my husband on several occasions attempted to fabricate evidence of being the victim of domestic violence and as a result, I was unlawfully subjected to intense investigations funded by taxpayers for prolonged periods in Malta – a way of keeping an eye on me so that my husband could continue his affairs in private, using the Malta University grounds afterhours.

After the interference by police, I was suddenly dealing with two Bradley’s throughout the life of our marriage – he was one way to me and another way to everyone else (money is the root of all evil they say and well, this is what it purchased); my husband carefully calculated his violence behind closed doors, striking me with a double edge sword each time. I did everything in my power to choose the lesser of the two evils until the last straw when to end his violence, I threw him out of the house and locked the door jamming it with a broom stick from the inside to resist his pounding – it was an alternative to hitting him back. Once again, everyone blamed me but they didn’t see what happened from the inside, they never do. The first rule in Martial Arts, is self-control before self-defense and in addition to that one must be of sound mind to have the psychological reasoning to match force for force, I knew that if I raised my hand, there would be NO contest for my husband, he would have ended up in hospital with a broken jaw (not with the scratches and forced bruising that he put on himself); the mental health system would have followed, which is exactly what my husband was instructed to achieve by Gozo Police, who were hoping to appoint my husband as the legal guardian – the ultimate silencing tactic – crimes said to be motivated by high end bribes.

I tolerated his violence in hope that I could restore the marriage, despite the infidelity but the offer from Gozo Police, offering to personally look after him (in accordance my husband’s own admissions in a letter he wrote addressed to Peppi Azzopardi (attached - Document: 3, Titled: Mr Peppi Azzopardi (3 Pages), page 15 of the divorce file) carried more weight than his wedding vows to me.

After finally retrieving my identification from the Maltese Police, that they illegally confiscated for two years, on NO valid grounds, Air Malta Airline staff refused to sell me a ticked on the next available flight to Paris; instructions that apparently came from my husband with just one phone call – which was communicated to me in private by airline management after threating to involve the media. They said “we can’t stop you from leaving but you have to wait here till we sort this out” and further informed, “your husband had telephone the airline and the police know about it…” no further explanation was given. I waited at the Maltese International Airport for an entire week, everyday asking for police attendance, and everyday given the same excuse by Airline Management, buying my husband the time he needed to get to Paris first so that he could fraud stalking allegations against me, putting me under surveillance initiated by EUROPOL; but in actual fact, he was the one stalking me – putting into question the infringement of the presumption of innocence as set in Article 9-1 of the Civil Code of France, ‘Everyone has the right to respect of the presumption of innocence’ …Where, before any sentence, a person is publicly shown as being guilty of facts under inquiries or preliminary investigation, the court, even by interim order and without prejudice to compensation for injury suffered, may prescribe any measures …in order to put an end to the infringement of the presumption of innocence, at the expenses of the natural or juridical person liable for that infringement – in addition, it’s important to note that my husband was granted a ticket to Paris, without delay, and my liberties deprived.

With regards to Florian Tiziani, a French Police Officer and Pompier, it’s too risky for Bradley (not to mention he’s a very jealous man at best), to allow anyone with Florian’s credibility to wrong him. Since announcing ‘Florian Tiziani’ online (see the previous posts titled, ‘At Last My Love Has Come Along’), my husband has managed to come in the middle of us pulling his usual strings from his broad support network boasting power of position who have wasted no time building their walls between us (circulating on my husband’s behalf blatant lies). Florian has a job to protect and can’t afford to resist any orders and/or expectations coming from the top. Since I met Florian’s, everything stared to make since, I don’t have eye’s for anyone else; I didn’t fall in love with Florian’s muscles (although he is beautifully pumped), I fell in love with his heart …they say ‘Love will always win’, so it’s going to be very interesting to see how this one will now!

The right to (a) enjoyment of live and (b) marry and found family is listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 9. THE RIGHT TO MARRY AND FOUND A FAMILY and CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE 20, EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW.

To establish the truth from the horse’s mouth so to speak, Florian Tiziani, will be asked to take the witness stand by way of subpoena and I will be the one asking all the questions in front of the judge. A summary of his responses will be of public interest no doubt but his privacy will be protected, as I am a woman of good moral character.

With regards, to the breaches of my Human Rights, my self-represented application to the European Courts of Human Rights in France, dated 15th October, 2018 (Document: 46, New Application: ECHR (13 Pages), page 192 of the divorce file), fell on deaf ears.

The general provisions of the Civil Code of France stipulate, ‘Where there is obstruction the Judge cannot stay silent’; Art. 4 – A judge who refuses to give judgment on the pretext of legislation being silent, obscure or insufficient, may be prosecuted for being guilty of a denial of justice.

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