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Updated: Oct 2, 2021

Yesterday I exposed the following car registration plates:

(D) EU RQ 2208 – German Registration Car Plates: Black SAAB 4WD

(F) FY 290 VM – French Registration Car Plates…

(I) FA 965 RZ – Italian Car Registration Plates…

Today 30th October, 2021 – I had police on my tail all afternoon, they were on foot and out of uniform from the Civil Section of the Police Force (unknown to me). These Police Officers were identified by a local business owner, who noticed them following me around and asked me with a surprised look on his face if I’ve done anything wrong in terms of breaking the law. I replied with “not at all, never". Even if I wanted to do something wrong, how can I hide anything when I can’t even shut the door – except for my Australian and Maltese Passports and the FINISHED manuscript to ‘Betrayed Not Beaten’ in my BRA.

Later on, at 9:30pm, I parked my trolley outside a neighboring coffee shop, only for a few minutes to go to the toilet, which was downstairs and when I returned, the Samsung Lap Top that Olivier Ganem gave me was stolen and so was the Divorce File that I’ve been working on for the past four months; an eye witness told me not to bother going to the police because it was them who took it. I didn’t see it, I was in the toilet at the time but something interesting happened after that.

A little further down the road at aproximately 10 :10pm, a large white van suddenly parked illegally in front of my trolley blocking access to it (that I left temporarily standing alone by the bike racks while I was praying the Holy Rosary, across the road, in front of the Japanese restaurant, my usual routine, while waiting for the night shift police to arrive for my sleeping arrangements). The white van had no car registration plates and driver was not alone, he had two other men on standby, quietly gathering behind me. I didn’t understand their French, but I wasn’t going to approach the back of van with both its’ doors wide open just to access my trolley because everything in it can be replaced, instead I stepped back avoiding both men behind me and took the baton off my back just in case it turned serious and waited. Then to bait me closer to the back of the car, the driver took my trolley and moved it out of reach so to access it, I would have to pass the back of his van with its doors wide open. I let him man handle my trolley and took another step back with the baton held frim in my right hand ready for action. I have no faith in drivers who fail to display their registration plates, it spells distrust.

If I approached the vehicle with its' back door wide open, the men gathering from behind would be in a prime position to push my in... I wasn't dumb enough!

When they saw the night shift police approaching with their blue lights on 8 minutes later, the men jumped back in the van and sped off only to the next corner, where they met the same Civil Police Officers out of uniform (mentioned above)... All men unknown to me.

This is how men behave when they DEFEATED by a woman!

When men can’t beat one woman (and I did say men, meaning plural, closing ranks against one single women pushing only a trolley all day), they cheat, lie and steal, it’s a sign of defeat – and I’ll take it as a compliment, since I’m The Ninja!

It’s no wonder there’s all this violence against women perpetrated by men all around the world… the truth they envy us and are afraid of defeat, because our power is greater than the strength in their muscles.

It’s goes to show, how worthless man and their money is, up against the power of GOD; the treasures of Grace (or psychic abilities born of sixth sense given by GOD to all women), hidden in the Holy Rosary that I pray daily. It’s all you need and it’s priceless.

Just so we are clear about the divorce file, Olivier Ganem is only opening the case infront of the Judge, as he is not a divorce lawyer (and I will not allow anyone else to touch it); I aim to represent it myself, as I know this case better than anyone and since I started working on it, I have familiarised myself with the Civil Code of France, so I fell confident that I can present it infront of the judge.


Steal my boyfriend, take the Lap Top and even my Divorce Files, if that’s the best you can do… consider it a donation you poor insignificant things!



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