Car Registration Plates are by right public information; however, the identification details of the drivers belonging to the vehicles listed below, cannot be disclosed without evidence beyond a reasonable doubt – and there is none as yet (the presumption of innocence) – that effectively links them to a crime syndicate behind the illegal sex-trafficking trade… profiteers and politicians representing the European Union, who with one cheek turn a blind eye on border control (allowing the illegal sex-trade to flourish – girls as young as 12 trafficked from Sicily to Germany, through EU Borders monitored by EUROPOL); and with the other boast ‘Absolute Democracy’, as in the General Provisions of the European Union, C306/10 of The Official Journal of the Lisbon Treaty, section 3/Article 1a; which states, ‘The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights…’
It’s important to note however, that all three male drivers were on Daphne Caruana-Galizia’s investigation list – PERSONS’ OF INTEREST – before she was murdered by car bomb (…three days before she was about to expose a dangerous link between Political Islam and the European Union, which would have forced Malta out of the EU; without Malta, the EU can not continue to smuggle the oil from ISIS held territories in Libya, profiting 30 Million Euro’s each year, money used for high end bribes to (a) ‘Presume People Absent’ and (b) continue the illegal sex-trafficking trade throughout EU Borders – just to mention a few problems from a very long list).
· (D) EU RQ 2208 – German Registration Car Plates: Black SAAB 4WD
· (F) FY 290 VM – French Registration Car Plates…
· (I) FA 965 RZ – Italian Car Registration Plates…